Thursday, January 2, 2014

Blog Entry - Karen Mitchell

NewYear’Day was the most meaningful day of our trip.  If you have ever wondered how your donations to Haiti have been spent, I can guarantee that it is spent in a way to feed as many hungry families as possible.  We fed about 600 families.  A member from each family was given a card.  They lined up and we passed out the bags of rice, spaghetti, and oil that we had prepared the day before.  I felt tears coming as I handed out food to the elderly and the children that were the ages of the students that I taught for so many years.  Then one of the last women in line at our first stop touched my life in a way that I will never forget.  She was my age or a little older its hard to say.  She was wearing a dirty yellow dress and she was missing some teeth.  It wasn’t enough to hand her the bag of food and for her to say “Merci”  She and I hugged.  Then I had me a good cry.  (Some of the men were even teary eyed and thankful for sunglasses.)  I don’t know if it was the joy of sharing food, their joy of receiving food,  the guilt of the inequality and injustice of what I have been blessed with compared to what little they have been blessed with that made me cry.  But I am so thankful for this experience.  Thank you for your donations that made this feed possible.

Today we hiked to the Citadel!  I walk the Mall with Nan (Jane’s sister) whenever we can and chase two year olds everyday, but an athlete I am not.  When they said it was a strenuous one hour hike, I have to admit that I was a little nervous, but I also didn’t want to miss the experience.  We got up about 6:00 am, had breakfast, and packed our lunches.  Our driver took us half way up a steep mountain.  We climbed out and started off at a fast clip to get away from the street vendors.  The trail was very steep and this “Mall walker” was soon panting and wondering if I was going to have to give in and pay the man to ride Toyota the horse to the top.  But we slowed our pace and took a couple of breathers along the way.  Christy and Trey kept a close watch on this grandma and I made it to the top  It was an awesome sight.  Our guide shared the history with us.  Then we had a picnic lunch.  The walk back was a piece of cake for me.  Then the street vendors attacked us.  Those of you who know me, know that I am not a wheeler dealer, so I was glad when we left the shopping area.  But right now I am feeling pretty good.  Leigh said I earned the right to do the Happy Dance.

I miss you all and can’t wait to get back home.  But I have to admit the afternoon siestas are pretty nice.  The stars that  seem so close that you can touch them are breath taking, and sitting on the porch sipping an evening beverage with old and new friends will forever be remembered.

Love, Karen

PS Wayne Scott, you know that I am not a violent person, but I am in complete agreement with you about the crazy roosters who crow all night.  HAHA

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