Thursday, January 2, 2014

Reflecting on our trip - Marshall Family Blog

It is the small things that are most enjoyable. The smiles on people’s faces, the walks through town, sipping drinks at Madame Socretes’ store and watching kids play soccer in the streets. But the greatest simple pleasure is eating chilled, fresh-peeled sugarcane. The first time we had it we bought it from a small vender in Terrier Rouge, just beyond the school yard. The vendor was more like a small market on a raised stone platform. Mangos were lined up in rows. The sugarcane was piled high in a wheelbarrow and several men were gathered around it peeling it on site with machetes. One evening, walking back from Madame Socretes’, we picked up a stalk for five Haitian Goudes. This is one eighth of a U.S. dollar. Back at the school, Lanaud, peeled the sugarcane for us. We then enjoyed delicious chilled sugarcane! You have never tasted anything so fabulous.

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